Our Collections
The Dunn County Historical Society maintains for the public trust more than 20,000 artifacts and archival items, including photographs, journals, letters, newspapers and local ephemera.
Only a small percentage of those items are on display at any given time. The rest are organized and stored safely for eventual exhibits and research, as well as to ensure they exist long into the future.
Donating an Artifact
Most of the artifacts and archival items in the collection have been donated by former and current residents.
When we consider taking in items we ask:
Does it tell a Dunn County story?
Is it in good condition?
Is it unique to our collection?
Can it safely be stored in our facilities?
Donated materials are preserved in our climate controlled storage spaces for future generations and made accessible to the public for use in research, projects and exhibits.
For questions about donating items to the Dunn County Historical Society, contact Sofi Doane, Museum and Collections Manager at 715-232-8685 or email registrar@dunnhistory.org. Please call or email before bringing items to the museum.