Monetary donations to the Dunn County Historical Society can take many forms — and always make a difference. Here are some of the ways you can designate your funds:
General Donation (Unrestricted): Allows the Society to use the funds where they are most needed at any time.
Endowment Fund: A long-term investment fund at the Community Foundation of Dunn County.
Fulton's Workshop: Supports STEAM-related exhibits and experiences.
Hilkrest Rural School: Supports interpretation, programming and upkeep of the school house.
Blue Caps Base Ball: Supports our vintage base ball team, including hosting out of town teams.
Friends of Caddie Woodlawn: Supports upkeep and interpretation at the museum and Caddie Woodlawn Historic Park.
Solar Victory Garden: Campaign for facility energy conversion and outdoor solar energy exhibit.
You can donate to one or more of these areas when you renew your membership, or at any other time. Please note how you would like your funds to be designated.
To donate online one-time, or to set up a monthly donation:
About the Endowment Fund
The Dunn County Historical Society Endowment Fund at the Community Foundation of Dunn County was begun in 2020 to assure our organization’s future. The Community Foundation invests the fund principal and grants up to five percent in earnings back to our organization every year to help us fulfill our mission.
The initial $10,000 investment continues to grow with donations and legacy gifts that will increase the endowment’s earnings and secure the Society's future.
To learn how you can play a part in our long-term future, please contact Melissa Kneeland, Executive Director, at melissa.kneeland@dunnhistory.org, or call 715-232-8685.
You may also contact Georgina Tegart, Executive Director at the Community Foundation of Dunn County at 715-232-8019.
To donate by mail, send a check along with with a note indicating which categories you'd like to contribute to.
Dunn County Historical Society
PO Box 437
Menomonie, WI 54751