Commonly Asked Questions
Where is the artifact that I donated?
Only a small percentage of our artifact collection is on exhibit at any given time. In most cases, artifacts on display help tell a Dunn County story along with other artifacts. In fact, a large portion our facility is devoted to care and storage of artifacts that are not part of a current exhibit. Donated items are carefully documented and recorded in PastPerfect, our museum management database. ​
What happened to that artifact/exhibit I saw on my last visit?
Our goal is to present as many Dunn County stories as we can, and introduce at least a few new exhibits each year. That keeps visitors coming to the museum and allows us to 'rest' and care for artifacts that have been on display for some time. In some cases, artifacts for short-term or traveling exhibits may have been a temporary loan to the museum.
How is the museum funded?
Daily operation of the Rassbach Museum is funded from variety of sources, including admissions, Society memberships, fundraisers, fee-based programs, grants and the generous donations of members and area businesses. The museum is not run by or funded by Dunn County.